Wednesday, September 15, 2010

✂-Designer's Tip of The Day-Use a Ham!

It's really important to press sewing projects at every stage.
A tailor's ham is a ham-shaped stuffed fabric cushion used for pressing curves.  A sleeve roll is much the same, but is more of a sausage shape and is used for pressing seams on sleeves without crushing the rest of the sleeve.  Once you have them, you will find loads of uses for them.  Both of these were found at vintages stores, but you could easily make your own.

-To make a tailor's ham, draw around the plate of an averages-sized iron. Add about 1 1/4" all around and round off the corners.
-Using this pattern, cut two pieces of muslin, one piece of wool, and one piece of pure cotton.
-Layer a piece of muslin, the layer of wool face up, the cotton face down, the other muslin piece.
-Sew around, leaving a 4" gap.
-Turn out and stuff with sawdust. Use a funnel to get it in and a ruler to poke it down. The ham must be stuffed really firmly.
-Sew up the gap.
-After a week or two the sawdust compacts, so unpick the gap and add more.

Source- The Sewing Bible by Ruth Singer

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