Thursday, April 14, 2011

The Gentle Waves

Designer at Work...

Mikayla has been working on her collection for the "Fall into the Stars!" teen fashion show taking place in August of this year.  Today we inserted a fly front zipper in one of the pant styles, this was Mikaya's first time constructing a fly front pant and she did a GREAT job!

Playing in the background as we worked...

The beginnings of a wedding dress...
Today, I was asked to design and make a wedding dress.  I absolutely love her ideas- classy, simple and very elegant. This dress will require draping to make the actual pattern and draping is my favorite part of designing! The wedding is a ways away, but I'm really excited to get started on this project.

Groupon madness!  Thank you to everyone who took advantage of the great deal that Groupon offered yesterday. I look forward to working with so many new faces!


  1. Beautiful drawings, I adore draping, but I need a lot more practice...

  2. Thank you Liv. The best part about draping is that you can just be creative.
